Thursday, August 26, 2010

The world was always the same

Like everyone else I had my share of ups and downs. What I have realized is that whenever i pulled a success, it was me motivating me. The world remains the same, the fire has to be there in your belly.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

He finds his bed anywhere!

I took this picture near KFC pindi at mid night when I was sitting in my car after having dinner there and some shopping from stoneage. I love both these brands; can have kfc anytime any day. Love stonage jeans and the trendy shirts they come up with. Was thinking about job, work, growth, money, success, had the stonage bag in my hand, thinking about the calories in the food I had.. I was so involved in "my world".

Suddenly saw this boy sleeping peacefully on the ground. So peacefully that I was forgot everything around me. Does he know about these brands? Does he has an idea about the calorie stuff I am always worried about? I think I have all the luxuries in life but guess I am too ungrateful. This boy was sleeping on ground with such a peace on his face that I started feeling embarrassed. Embarrassed of being ungrateful to God for everything. For everything.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dad O' Dad

For every child, dad is a hero. Someone who knows everything in this world, someone who is the best when it comes to doing anything. Someone whose chest is the best the warmest place to sleep, someone whose arms are strongest in the world..Someone who can turn any impossible in to possible...

Dads, you are heroes for your kids. Please live up to their expectations. Please always be a hero!

Isloo - you beauty

Having grown up in Islamabad one often tends to take this city's beauty for granted. Not in my case - I admit I still get mesmerized by the beauty of Islamabad. Often while driving to office facing the Margalla hills and feeling the cool breeze, it always is breath taking.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Imran Khan

With Imran Khan the great cricketer, the bollywood hunk, it seemed quite impossible that any other Imran Khan would be gaining fame - crossing the boundaries where he lives.

When i listened to Amplifier for the first time, i thought it was run of the mill but with time i realized whatever it is, its something for masses.

Imran Khan is the next big thing. Good thing: He's for masses and speaks the language of masses. Watch this interview: